Tuesday 21 May 2013

Baku Surprise

Part 1  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I throw open the door, stagger across the room and sit uneasily on the bed.

"How did it come to this?" I ask myself out-loud.

You know how it is, You go out for a quiet drink, you meet some girl, in some bar, in some town, in some far off land, the jobs gone sour, you wish you were somewhere else, you drink too much, the rest is a bit of a haze, somehow you wake up naked in bed with a stranger, an empty bottle of vodka on the locker, she's still sound asleep when you leave, and stagger the few streets to your hotel.

You are about to lay your head to the pillow, and wait for dawn, for some quite unknown reason, a sixth sense triggers you into action, you reach for the gun under your pillow, and before you can get to your feet, an envelope slides under your door, you snatch it up, grab the door, throw it open, but there's no-one there not even footsteps in the drab dusty corridor just a single light bulb swinging gently to and fro, in the hot wind blowing through a hastily opened window.

You tear open the envelope, it's addressed to me Percy Prune written in green ink, "Who writes in green ink these days?" I ask myself, "Who writes at all?"  I add.

"Well come on! What does it say?" my mind asks again.

"Allo English"

"We gotta one big surprise for you, in Baku",

Lots of love 


Baku, I rack my brain, that's halfway up the western side of the Caspian Sea, I went there once and only once, why would I go there again,  and who is Boris? I shake the envelope and a small card drops on the floor at my feet.

International Air Freight Services
Heydar Aliyer
Russian Federation.

How do I get there?, Well for a start, I wouldn't start from here.

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